You’ve Created Your Additional Income Stream, but Now What??

You need help selling it, and we’re here to help you do just that in BoB 2.0!

“Michelle and Jenny provided easy to understand, actionable steps that guided me to create a consultation program for therapists. I found their encouragement and support helpful from clarifying my offering to being ready to launch. Thanks!”

— Lindsay B- Therapist and Consultant

BoB is for you whether you already have an additional income stream or you’re just getting started.

We’ll help you create it and sell it whether you’re brand new or have joined us before.

You're no stranger to the urge of wanting more from your career than a traditional therapy practice. And yet you've hit roadblocks that have kept you stuck or you’re unsure how to even get started!

That's exactly what BoB is here to help with.

  • You want diversified income streams, but it’s hard. 

  • You've got ideas, maybe too many, or you're not sure which direction to take.

  • You may have done programs before and have nothing to show for it, and that sucks. We feel you. We’re going to help you make it work this time with a simplified, step by step process. 

  • BoB focuses on practical, manageable steps. You’ll know exactly what to do next.


Have you already created income streams but no one is buying? We’ll help you get it into the hands of the people who need it

Whether you’ve joined us before or not, you are welcome! We’ll meet you where you are to help you create and market your offers.


Take the Guesswork Out of Diversifying Your Income

Burned Out to BRAVE, which we lovingly call BoB, was created to equip Multipassionate Therapreneurs with the tools they need to diversify income on their own terms!

Our goal is to simplify the process of diversifying your income so you truly see results.

This round of BoB builds on everything we taught in our first round and kicks off with a Get It Done Week* for anyone who hasn’t built an offer before.

This 4-part Workshop Series + Implementation Calls will help you -

  • Grow your email list

  • Resonate with your audience

  • Sell with confidence

  • Make more money!

*Thanks to Lizzy Goddard for developing the Get It Done Week!


You won’t be on this path alone - We’ve got you every step of the way!

Meet Your Guides - Jenny and Michelle

A Trauma Therapist, and I have a diversified income story too -

Being the primary earner for our growing family, I was feeling the weight of the world…

Every. Single. Hour was filled with clients, and yet we were barely making ends meat!

I was burning out, wracked with vicarious trauma, but believed I could make additional income while also serving my fellow trauma therapists.

Once I found the guide and community I needed to learn how to diversify my own income withOUT adding countless face-to-face hours, I noticed a big shift:

  • My energy and mood improved

  • I reconnected with the people and activities I love

  • I felt reinvigorated in my clinical work

  • Financial security was finally in sight

While my journey is unique to me, I’d love to be a small part of yours in Burned Out to BRAVE!

Michelle and I can’t wait to learn what makes you a Multipassionate Therapreneur!

Being a Multipassionate Therapreneur let me overcome -

I've always had many irons in the fire; ever since the time I was 14 years old and started working!

When I finished grad school in clinical social work, I got my first 9-5 job and I quickly realized that it was NOT. FOR. ME.

When my daughter was born in 2007, I started my private practice and I haven’t looked back!

Then came 2020, when the world shut down right as I had to beat an aggressive form of breast cancer. That is when I knew I could never go back to only one income stream!

I've really leaned into embracing my multi-passionate self, which has allowed me to:

  • Nerd out on learning all about online business

  • Work in coffee shops writing articles and creating courses

  • Give back to the profession by teaching CEUs

  • Mentor therapists in their journeys to diversify income

I am SO excited to be offering this workshop series with my dear friend, Jenny.

We can't wait to make additional income streams accessible, simplified and do-able for you, too! 

A Balanced Approach to Learning and Implementation:

Check Out the Bonuses!

Instant access to the Diversify and Thrive Course!

  • On-demand video training to teach you how to create diversified income streams within your therapy practice

  • Clickable workbook so you can get a jump start on your new income stream before we begin in July!

Instant access to Topics That Transcend Course!

  • On-demand video training to help you identify your unique, authentic, interesting and marketable topic!

Plus, for the first time ever - Guest Expert Trainers in BoB 2.0!

Brittany Long - Queen of Evergreen and AI!

Replay Inside!

Brittany Long is kicking off our Guest Expert calendar with a tutorial on how to ethically use AI to connect with your audience as humans, not robots

Greg Wasserman of Castmagic

Replay Inside!

Greg Wasserman is the Head of Growth, Partnerships, and Community for Castmagic and he will be teaching us how to 10x our content easily with AI

Nicole Lewis-Keeber, MSW and Author

Replay Inside!

Nicole Lewis-Keeber is the author of How to Love Your Business and she is going to help us overcome the ways trauma can get in the way of running our businesses


 Ready to Join Us?

Elevate Your Business and Multiply Your Impact!

  • 4-Part Workshop Series with Live and Recorded calls

  • 4 Implementation Co-Working Calls with AI Training just for therapists

  • Instant Access to the Diversify and Thrive on-demand course+workbook

  • Instant Access to the Topics That Transcend on-demand workbook

All for just $297!

The BoB program has been a game-changer for me. It not only provided me with the accountability and encouragement I needed but also helped me recognize the value in what I was already doing. BoB helped me lay a solid foundation, knowing that the bigger and better things will come in due time. I'm incredibly grateful for their support in getting my feet firmly planted on the path to success!”

—Eleanor B- Therapist and Author

  • “I had heard all of this before, but somehow it was presented in a way that made it feel very accessible for me. I now have a freebie linked to my landing page and an email automation set up - I feel very accomplished!”

    -Elizabeth M., Therapist & Coach

  • “For me the way Jenny and Michelle broke down the steps and use Ai for supporting marketing and growing a business gave me confidence and made it easy for me to execute. I have been working on this for so many years never getting anywhere. Starting a business can be so overwhelming and BoB helped me finally create my freebie, set up a landing page, and grow my email list! I loved learning and implementing AI to help support the process of marketing and brainstorming the freebie and copy. Thanks so much!”

    -Sarah A., Wellness Coach

  • “The recorded videos and pacing of the course were so helpful. I often watched the videos multiple times. I also liked the co-working sessions because it held me accountable!”

    -Kristin C., Therapist and Educator

 Questions you Should Be Asking (aka FAQs)

  • We have designed this program specifically for therapists who feel established in their clinical work and want to create additional streams of income. We don’t want to add to your plate as you are building your practice, which is why we recommend this for therapists who feel secure in their clinical caseload and are looking for ways to diversify their income without adding more 1:1 hours in their chair!

  • We can support you in establishing and growing most income streams. Some of our personal specialties include:

    1) Teaching CEUs

    2) Running memberships

    3) Teaching workshops

    4) Paid writing opportunities

    5) Providing consultation

  • Everyone is on their own timeline, so let’s look at the 2 main pathways you could take -

    1) If you want to stay on the same timeline as the workshop series and have a finished product by April, 2024, you can expect 2.5 hours of live calls (or recordings) per month. Remember that the second monthly call is a co-working call, so you can count on at least 1 hour of built in working time per month. Outside of live calls, we would recommend allocating 2-3 hours per week to your diversified income stream and email marketing.

    2) If you want to create your own timeline, we would still recommend carving out time for the calls (or watching recordings) and then working with us to develop a more individualized schedule that will accommodate your life and responsibilities.

  • Nope.

    Ok, there’s more to our answer, but we are NOT going to make false promises to you.

    We have no idea if you’re going to make money or not, but we are going to do our absolute best to support your growth as a Multipassionate Therapreneur so you are set up for long-term success, not short-term pie in the sky promises.

  • Given the incredibly low price-point for this high quality workshop series, we will not be offering refunds and all sales are considered final.

Experience what it’s like to increase your impact and finally find balance outside the four walls of your office

We are here to walk you through each and every step of diversifying your income. Our goal is to help you build a strong foundation as we simplify and demystify this whole online income stream process.

Join us in BoB 2.0 and make 2024 the year that you finally turn your ideas into action!

We can’t wait to work with you!

“BoB was a goal-oriented + time-limited process that really helped me to create and execute the next step in building out my business! Each session was clear, and actionable providing me with confidence and support for the entire duration.”

—Alisha B- Therapist and Coach